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  GSI 'Manpower through eduction'   10-08-13
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Usually the company¡¯s main purpose of investment for employee training is for development itself. There is a company developing this task, which keeps in mind that the purpose of employee training is for developing national development.

Thus there is a difference on quality of training and scale between this company and another company because the main purpose of training is for nation. This company¡¯s name is GSI which has been located in Incheon.

A hanging board is hanging on 1st floor in GSI head office. ¡°Our company should contribute national development through cultivating people of talent.¡± CEO Mr. Ahn explained that it means the establishment mind when our company had been established in 1972. It was not just pretence.

On that day, I should hear the campaign many times from many employees in GSI. The spirit in the campaign flows into the whole company. Usually GSI employees should have 80 hours training about one¡¯s job, human nature, cultural studies per year.
If you think that 80hours is a short time, It is wrong, Because usually there are many cases that the training time of most companies is under 80hours.

Deputy section chief, Ms. Park in charge of training told that the training time would be over 100hours in case of adding on-line training program. The training is carried out in training room in the company. employees refer to the one¡¯s training schedule and could have their training as scheduled. ¡¡

Deputy section chief, Ms. Park told that the most important thing is whether the training gives motivation to employees or not and I have been felt worthwhile because employees think that the training is positive. Especially GSI places emphasis on human nature and cultural studies. This case is different from other training which is focusing on job.

CEO Mr. Ahn explained that external factor which in not in job is more important to make a good relationship within employees and fix the corporate culture. The training is applied against each position. For example, the training of greetings manner is applied to new employee, otherwise t he training of business manner is applied to deputy manager and deputy manager beyond.

Deputy Manager Mr. Moon told that I could learn interpersonal manner which is difficult to know through company training, its importance is that it could be used immediately.
Periodically, GSI invites outside lecturer and has a lecture, which is an inevitably course.

Lately, Dr. Hwang, Seoul Univ. visited in GSI and taught ¡®Immersion thinking¡¯. and GSI employees could get positive thing outside through this way. Besides, in case employees want to have other training, they can have it with free charge. The information sheet containing outside training is sent to employees consecutively. Usually Korea Productivity Center opens various outside trainings. and GSI employees had been applying various outside training.

CEO Mr. Ahn had taken over GSI 6years ago.
He told that the establishment mind was impressive from the founder. He made this training system to define the establishment mind through rebuilding training system.
CEO Mr. Ahn told that the time and range of training would be widened. and our establishment mind that Our company should contribute national development through cultivating people of talent would be constant.


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